Monday, June 18, 2012

Non-Fiction Article #3


In the article A more modest museum  the author talks about how the WTC is running out of money, yet they want to open an Arts Center, where they can get more of an income. I mean is this really necessary? Wasn't the original purpose of the WTC memorial to be a memorial for the lives that were lost at 9/11? Not a party center? I mean, the memorial already charges $20 fee for entrance, what else do they want? The memorial is a place where we should remember the people that died on 9/11, not to party!

I think that the fact that the construction for the current project has been halted for a few weeks because they ran out of money, and when they come up with a Arts Center plan, they find $150 million dollars to fund it. Really? Is this really what we've become? We're turning memorials into night time parties?  Like I said before, the purpose of the WTC memorial, was to remember, and learn about the terror attacks on 9/11/01. To add an Arts Center, is like planting a funeral in the middle of Barclay Center (Brooklyn Nets Stadium). The Arts Center would just be there. It wouldn't fit in.

Another reason I don't support this idea, is because its pretty pathetic how they just halted the construction of the WTC memorial, and came up with this mini idea, and AUTOMATICALLY have money for it. Like think about it, You get $20 from every single person that walks into the memorial, so if a good thousand goes though a day, after a while wouldn't the money just pile up? I understand construction is expensive, but the $150 million will then slowly rise and rise, and it won't be $150 anymore, it could add up to $200 million.

It really is all just a game I think. What they mostly want, is money so that later on they could make money. But really, they don't think about the deeper meaning. This memorial means a lot to some people. There are kids out there, without parents because BOTH of them died on 9/11. To live with that for the rest of your life is tough, and the child will never be the same. To add a Arts Center, a place where concerts and such may be held, just... doesn't show respect at all. It shows that this memorial doesn't really mean anything.

In conclusion, I agree with this articles opinion in which the Arts Center is a huge mistake, and shouldn't be built AT ALL!

Coming of Age Novel : Story of a Girl By Sara Zarr

Blogpost due May 18
The story Story of a girl was truely, the best book I have read this year.
The author does a great job at emphisizing the characters feelings, and how the past (mostly when she got raped) affects her today. Deanna, the main character, got raped by her brothers friend when she was 13. Her father saw then having sex, and ever since then her family has fallen apart.
The main problem in the book so far, is that Deannas relationship with her father is poor. Her entire family can't communicate, because of a mistake Deanna did a long time ago. She trys to find peace with herself, and her family, while she tried to deal with her family problems, and her social life.
Personally, I feel horrible for Deanna because everyone should deserve a second chance. She trys her best to go on with life, but the fact that everything around her is causing her not to, it makes me feel horrible for her. I hope that throughout the story, she regains herself, and finds peace with herself, and her family. Just thinking about her problems and being in her shoes, makes me just want to cry for her. To get raped at 13 by a 17 year old, is just something that you can;t just forget so easily. She gets called  whore, and a slut, when really it wasn't her fault. She was a young girl and couldn't do anything about it. Personally, I would back up Deanna anytime of day.

Blogpost due June 11
I can now say, that Story of a Girl  was the best book I read since The Book Thief in 7th grade. I feel like I would enter the world of the story whenever I would read it. Like... you can't just describe how amazing a book is... you just have to experience it, and that's what happened to me. I remember starting to read it, thinking it would be just another one of those depressing teen stories about a girl getting raped and being all depressed and everything. But really, it was something else. It was a story about struggle, and trying to move on when the entire world is giving you reasons not to.
I know that almost everyone could relate to Deanna in some way. Not the fact that she got raped, but the struggle of moving on. Every one sometime in their life has faced some kind of struggle that they can't really get through because they feel like the world is giving them every reason not to. It made me feel like I wasn't the only one that had that kind of feeling. Made me feel like I wasn't alone in a struggle for freedom.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

#2 Plagiarizing

    • What did the student do wrong? What could he/she have done to include the source correctly?
      What the student did wrong, was that he/she another persons work, without quoting or listing the source. What the student could of done, was paraphrase the context, and then at the end of the post, list where he/she got the information.

      Write a sentence using the original source correctly; use a quotation or paraphrase. Also, make sure to cite correctly.
      In "A Brief Understanding of the Starry Night Paintings", the author says that "the center point of the town is the tall steeple of the church, reigning largely over the smaller buildings. This steeple casts down a sense of stability onto the town, and also creates a sense of size and seclusion." I agree with this paragraph, because Van Gogh really does try and focus on the town, but not give it a lot of attention.

      What are at least 3 ways to avoid plagiarizing?
      Three ways to avoid plagiarizing is
      - Just cite the source, be nice and give the author the credit
      - Paraphrase the paragraph, or context
      - Use the context as inspiration, and come up with your own version of it, and keep going on with it.

#1 Blog Posts

From the list that Ms.Galang gave us, I really found Sofia M's and Joyce L's were both my favorite. They both have a interesting way they used their supporting details from the art/book.
In Sofias blogpost "La Vie" a Picasso painting, Sofia talks about her observations and ideas about the painting. In every paragraph, Sofia explains more and more deeply about what she feels and knows about the painting. I also enjoyed Joyces post about Peeta and Gale from the Hunger Games. She states her favorite (also my favorite) Peeta, but then gives examples about both boys, their pros and cons. She gives details away, but not details that'll spoil the story. Joyce also has her own way of expressing her opinion, but not completely forcing the reader to choose her side. She makes is a nice casual push.
What I'll take away from both Sofia's and Joyce's blogposts is that I should work on finding the deeper details, the ones that aren't so obvious, and might get the reader thinking. In Sofia's, she uses that by using information she knows about Picasso, and bases her observations off of that. In Joyce's blogpost, I'll take away that I have to incorporate details into the blogpost, and get the reader thinking, and have their own opinion.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Romeo & Juliet Response 2

Romeo and Juliet is most definitely a challenge to read.  The old English is such a brain teaser. You think it means one thing, when really it means another. Anyways, I think that this book is really just a cheesy- yet cute play. Its cheesy how they are so in love and they just met. They are acting like they have been together for years. Juliet is all like Oh Romeo Oh Romeo! And Romeo like a creep is spying on her behind a bush. I understand this is long long time ago, but looking at it at modern day perspective, and imagining it happening here in New York. Its crazy.
The romantic part about it, is that Romeo is willing to do anything to get Juliet's love, even though he knows its a sin in Verona to love a Capulet. He is willing to change his love, leave all his royalty and power behind, get married to her in the middle of nowhere, just to get her love and for her to be his. Even though we all know what will happen later on in the story, if I were in the present time and Romeo's friend, I would tell him that he shouldn't be so head over heels over Juliet. He just had this whole thing with Rosaline, and now BAM. He's all like "I wanna marry you Juliet please be the mother of my kids" and all this stuff. I think that he should realize who he really is, and what kind of girl he really wants. I think that he's really just wanting to fall in love and have the feeling that he really loves someone and that someone loves him back.
But really, this is just all in my perspective. Some people might think that this is the best book/play ever written, but personally, I think that the details are a bit too exaggerated.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Romeo and Juliet Response

So far in this play, I am in love with Romeo Montague. Not only because he's the only main character we have been introduced to (Juliet hasn't been that much engaged yet), but because the way he talks about love, you can somehow relate to him. Even if you haven't been heart-broken or if you have, Romeo just takes it to another level of deepness.
For the people that haven't read Romeo and Juliet, Romeo in the beginning of the play, is in love with Rosaline, a girl who doesn't love him back. He is all depressed and is crying a lot, and being just acting like he's worth nothing. He always talks about love and how it has mistreated him, and how he would do anything for Rosaline to love him back. One of my favorite quotes/ lines that Romeo said/says is
      " Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs;
        Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;
       Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears"
I think that Romeo is really like, a sensitive little guy. Like he loves Rosaline so much, and she doesn't, It makes me kinda feel bad for him. But later on he finds Juliet and dies for her, I think thats what makes the story/play so amazing. The simplicity and depressingness of the love story, really captures the readers attention and really makes is a amazing story to read and think about.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

Dear best buddy,
So in school, I've been assigned to read Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It's amazing how complex, and interesting this book is. William Shakespeare's sonnet method (where he has 10 syllables in a line) works beautifully, and flows with the story, and yet it makes sense.
What I realized is that Shakespeare uses a lot of puns and metaphors in the play/script. Like on page 13, heartless hinds means cowardly servants. But on line 67-68 Tybalt says "What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?
Turn thee, Benvolio; look upon thy death" .
This play is so far about Two families ( the Montagues and the Capulets). We haven't met Juliet, but we have witnessed the hate between the two families. There is Romeo Montague, who is currently in love, but depressed because its not the women he is arranged to marry. The way Shakespeare made Romeo sound all charming and so passionate. It's really cute even though the story doesn't have a happy ending.
A question that I has about this play, is what inspired Shakespeare to write this story? Usually when you think of Romeo and Juliet, you think of this really romantic and heart warming story, when really, it's just a story about a couple, that died because of their parents hate. It's cute and shows how much they wanted to e together, but it's so depressing and upsetting really.